What to do back home?

Our first weekend back home felt a bit strange at first. To keep the holiday spirit, we wanted to make it a fun one. On Saturday the weather was quite nice, so we went to the horses. My boyfriend came with me to try and find a lost shoe. Not mine, but one of Bizu. She lost it a few days ago and we haven’t been able to find it. My boyfriend with his metal detector didn’t have much luck either. It will stay the mystery of the lost horseshoe.

In the evening a package arrived at our doorstep, with in there a magnet board. We drilled some holes in the wall and put it up. Now the magnets we took from our holiday have a place to stay. We put up some of the cards we found abroad and now we will have to sit down to print some of our holiday pictures. Now we will always dream of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. The photos will be the last thing we see when we close our eyes, before going to sleep.

On Sunday it was a lot less outdoor weather. Most of the day it was raining, so we thought it would be a good idea to look indoors for something to do. With a boyfriend obsessed with old cars, there is only one place we could go: The Lauman’s Museum.

Every car we could think of was there. I think I like the one on the right the most, probably a bit too much to ride in these days. Sometimes you wonder why they don’t make great-looking cars anymore. Even the cheaper cars of that time look quite nice.

They even had a few Ferrari cars. Those always feel extra special to see. Definitely the one of Prince Bernhard. I get why he chose that color. The green with a bit of metallic through it. With those lights on it, it looked extra shiny.

While the F1 Singapore Grand Prix was playing on TV, we were looking at one of the older Formula 1 cars. Not the oldest one, but one of the last from Toyota. They are not as big as I thought they would be, but they definitely look fast.

They had everything in this museum even a few old fire trucks. It feels like this red is even more red than the Ferrari and after looking at these trucks we are glad to have to current firetrucks. I feel like they are able to save a lot more people and houses with the newer ones.

One of the most special cars to see was the car of one of the earlier James Bond movies. It makes the movies a lot more real. It feels strange that ‘James Bond’ really drove around in this car.


Busy weeks!


Autumn is coming…