Sail Away!

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All day cycling

For the thirth time, I joined a tour in Friesland: ‘Elfmerentocht’. This is a biking route through Friesland that is about 150 kilometers long. After weeks of rain and windy conditions, I was dreading the day. But we were pleasantly surprised—a full day of sun.

Luckily, I had my mum and dad halfway along the road. It was getting way too hot, and it was time to dump the jacket, and the bidons had to be filled again.

It always feels good to get to the finish. I didn’t finish first, but I certainly did not finish last. I left at 8 o’clock and returned a little before 3 o’clock.

It is always nice to get a medallion after finishing. Still a few trainings to go and then up to the ‘Elfstedentocht’.