Sail Away!

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Short holiday in Germany

A few weeks back my boyfriend and I decided to go to “Boat Düsseldorf”. We were able to get tickets from his work and planed to spend the the day there.

Friday the 27th it was so far. Early in the morning we got in the car and drove for almost three hours to Düsseldorf. After sitting in the car for so long we were happy to get the blood flowing back into our legs while walking by al the different ship.

And the had al lot of ships standing there. Motorboats, Sailboats, small tenders and also a few ocean cleanup ships. They got me very curious to see if and how they are going to build this ship. And also in how it’s going to contribute to cleaning the ocean.

In one of the last sheds the had another beautiful sailboat and I think I found my colour.

After walking for more than four hours, we got outside again and went to take a look around the city. And as my boyfriend told me: you haven’t been to Duseldorf if you don’t go up the Rheinturm tower and so we did.

The view was absolutely stunning and we could see the complete city from up there. When we got down again it started to get dark, so we drove to Gladbeck, a city close by Essen. We booked a room there and fell in a very deep sleep after walking voor more than 16 kilometres.

The next day we had a very tasty breakfast and after that we went to Essen. We were a little bit to early so all the shops were still closed. We didn’t stay long because it wasn’t really our kind of place. The city we did like, was Arnhem. We came by this city on our ride back home and went to have a look around. They had a really big and beautiful bookshop there and it became very difficult for me not to buy a new book. There were a lot of interesting ones. I did buy something in Arnhem, the Xbox F1 game, which is now downloading so I can play it tonight.

At the end of the day we had an appointment with a boat owner from my boyfriend his work. This boat owner bought a Bestevaar 53 hull from them and is now building and installing the interieur and electronics himself. Because our own plans with Morpheus they invited us to have a look around. Sadly enough I am not aloud to share some pictures but I can tell you it is a beautiful ship.